I'm busy getting ready for my Trunk Show at Ornamentea on March 6th and 7th. Here is a sneak preview of some of the new items:

I'll have a variety of these type of collars, some with 3 pieces all the way up to ones with 7 pieces. This stunning bracelet made by Ndidi was my inspiration for the collars. Clicking on this picture will take you to another page. Then click on the same photo again for even more awe inspiring visuals.

Next, take a look at the pieces below, still in their greenware stage. They were made and designed by a great friend: Jane MacGregor Hamilton Mormino (I just call her Jane). Jane has been spending one afternoon a week with me in my chilly garage, playing in the clay. If has been great fun - and quite productive - to discuss design ideas. Look for these a variation of these steampunk looking portholes at the trunk show also. They will be dressed in dark brown clay with bright brass buttons.