Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pinterest Flower Power Eggs

From my Pinterest board:  This I will try and let you know how it turns out.  The original blog post from Apron Strings can be found here:

As you can see the eggs stayed in the rings with just a bit leaking out the bottom.   The egg is much thicker than a typical fried egg as it is contained in the ring so it took much longer to cook than what I usually allow for sunny side up.  I really like my eggs runny so this may not be the best idea for me.  To hurry the egg along, I did flip it over which worked out fine.  If you are serving a breakfast meal this would be a lovely idea, just handle them gently as you transfer the eggs from the skillet to serving plate and try to find peppers with more exaggerated lobs than the ones I choose.

Good luck and happy eating!

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